New years resolutions? Bah! For most of us they’ll be lucky if they see the end of January. Why is that? I my experience its because they miss the motivation ingredient. Like quitting smoking, joining the gym or getting in a weight loss program. You gotta be long-term motivated and committed to carry this off
Let’s try something different this year. I’ve come up with 4 super-simple actions to motivate you (get you out of your chair) without you having to join a weight loss program or going to the gym.
So, let’s get started.
Build Confidence in Yourself
Start by building confidence in yourself. We all need to have a little faith in ourselves, even during our darkest days. My advice, start out with baby steps. It could be something as small as trying something new – something you’ve had on your “I have always wanted to try that” list. Sky diving perhaps? Or something as simple as unfollowing someone on social media whose values and beliefs no longer mesh with your own or following a new body positivity blog or podcast.
It takes time to build your self confidence so pick one thing to change in your life and run with it. The key is to not give up even when you think it’s too hard or nothing is happening. Building confidence in your self takes time, but the results are so worth it in the end!
Say NO to beauty magazines
Beauty magazines are meant to sell you fashion and makeup products that cost you a small fortune. On top of that, we all know full well the models on the front—even celebrities—are photoshopped to fit a required image.
Remember the bikini model with the ‘ideal’ summer body on the cover? That’s not real. Every human body has an imperfection that is usually removed via photoshop.
So, this year say “NO” to buying into the messages from beauty magazines and embrace your body, flaws and all, and flaunt those curves of yours! We are all beautiful inside and out and no one can tell us differently.
Nothing new here but we are our own harshest critics. And criticism is the #1 confidence killer. Please be kind to yourself this year. Life is too short and too precious to waste your day on negative self-talk.
Wear only what you love to wear
Are you tired of other people telling you want you should wear to be in fashion or on trend? This year, perhaps your resolution is to ignore what everyone else says in terms of what is on trend and wear what makes you feel comfortable and beautiful. If you find a dress or outfit that fits you and makes you look great, wear it! You do you!
Try a new dress style
And lastly, we’re talking about getting out of your comfort zone and building up that confidence by trying a new look that will really showcase your body in all its natural glory! If you have one of our wrap dresses, or not, I suggest you check out our how to wear videos for several new ways to “do-the-wrap”.
Don’t stop there. Feel free to experiment with different styles to your heart’s content. You just might fall in love with a new look!
Get motivated in 2022 by putting 2021 behind you and by incorporating my suggestions for being the best you are. Let me know how you’re doing.
From the bottom of our heart, we wish for 2022 to be a wonderful year for you! Enjoy!
Emily Liebich
P.S. BOXING DAY SALE ends at midnight January 2nd. 25% off all items. Check it out!