Love U Designs’ Suggestions for 2020 New Year’s Resolutions

Love U Designs’ Suggestions for 2020 New Year’s Resolutions

It’s a new year! Naturally it’s that time when we’re either upholding the resolutions we made before NYE or we haven’t really made any (and that’s okay). Aren’t you tired of trying to stick to resolutions that involve going to the gym though? Or losing a couple of pounds? Sure, fitness is a good goal to have if you need to get back to a healthy state for medical reasons, but you shouldn’t do it just because it’s everyone else’s resolution too! Perhaps we can help? We’ve come up with some great ideas for New Year’s resolutions for 2020 that don’t involve going to the gym! Feel free to follow along or come up with your very own.

Build your confidence

Because we all need to have a little faith in ourselves, even during our darkest days. Don’t be afraid to start out with baby steps (we all start that way with everything in our lives!). It could be something as small as unfollowing someone on Instagram whose values and beliefs no longer mesh with your own, or following a new body positivity blog. If you’d like, we have some more tips on how to build confidence—even if and when you don’t feel like it can be done (the truth is, it can, and you can do it! We believe in you!).

Say NO to beauty magazines

Beauty magazines are meant to sell you fashion and makeup products that cost hundreds of dollars. On top of that, there are several sources that have proven that the models on the front—even celebrities—are photoshopped to fit a required image. So that bikini model with the ‘ideal’ summer body on the cover? That’s not real. Every human body has an imperfection that is usually removed via photoshop. So this year, say “NO” to buying into the messages from beauty magazines and embrace your bod, flaws and all! It’s not a perfect body, but it’s the only body you’ve got. (By the way, if you have a body and wear a bikini to the beach, that is your summer body. Keep that in mind next summer! 😉

Be kinder to your self-esteem

We are our own harshest critics. Whether we enjoy an artistic hobby or are trying out new clothing in the store, or we’re daily battling mental demons such as anxiety and depression, our self-esteem can take a nosedive at even the slightest glance or comment…and most of the time, that kind of negativity comes from ourselves. (It doesn’t help if some stranger expresses their unwanted opinion to you either!). With that in mind, please be kind to yourself this year. Life is too short and too precious to waste your day on negative self-talk, or to believe anything your depression and/or anxiety is telling you (hint: the things your depression and/or anxiety says to you are 100% lies). Again, if this resolution requires you to take baby steps, that’s totally okay. Some days are tougher than others, for sure.

Wear only what you love to wear—not what others want

Going back to the beauty magazines for a minute, don’t you feel like it’s been a while since you looked at a pattern or dress colour that made you look and feel good about wearing it? Meanwhile, there could be a dress that is ‘out of style’ yet when you put it on, it looks as good as when you first bought it. This year, perhaps you should resolve to ignore what everyone else says in terms of what other people want you to wear. If you find a dress that fits you and makes you look great, wear it! You do you!

Try a new dress style

We’re talking about the front and back of a dress that will really showcase your body in all its natural glory! You could start with our instructions on the Love U Designs website for convertible dresses, if you have one. Even so, there are still some ways to get the straps, back, and front styles of your dress that the videos might not really cover. Feel free to experiment the styles to your heart’s content! After nailing your new dress style, why not show off the new look by sending Emily a message? She’d love to see what style of convertible wrap dress you’re going for this year! We hope these sound like New Year’s resolutions you can stick to this year and the next! If you’d like some help with the latter two, perhaps the Love U online store of infinity wrap dresses have some colours and styles that strike a note with you? Let us know if you have any questions or are confused about the dresses too. From the bottom of our hearts we wish for 2020 to be a wonderful year for you! Enjoy! Creative Commons Attribution: Permission is granted to repost this article in its entirety with credit to Love U Designs and a clickable link back to this page.

Designs as Unique as You are.

At Love U Designs, we believe all women are beautiful, no matter what stage of life they are going through or what shape or size they are.